The Sun King's Evidence
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 1502
Luther Huss and the Bolt From the Blue985Remove Chaos986The Emperor and His Friends987Going Out with My Parents on Labor Day988Requesting Reinforcements!989The King of Knights and His Friends (Second990Soldiers Approaching the City991Siege of Erengrad992Bear God's Chosen VS Norscan High King (No.993Never Give In994Went Out for Lunch Today, Will Update in the Evening995Road to Curona996Eastern Front in Fire997Bloody Western Front998Victory Meeting999Operation Bagration1000The Decisive Battle in Groveland Forest (Second Update Requested)1001Kalad vs Aisling1002The Kingdom of Knights Welcomes You!1003Returning Home on a Snowy Night (Please Order a 5,200-Word Chapter)1004Take a Day Off1005Reunion with Faskorag1006Teutonic Guard1007Axis of Evil1008Erica1009We'll Tear Our Enemies Apart Here1010The Dawn Here Is Quiet (5600 Words Super1011Middenstanger's Sun1012Our Team Faces the Sun1013Judgment From the Kingdom of Knights (Second Update)1014Onward, Old Guard!1015Victory Belongs to Us! (5200 Words Long Chapter1016The Battle of the Three Kings Ends1017Secrets in the Dark Pit1018The Old Aristocracy and the New Aristocracy1019The Peak of the Holy Realm (5000-Word Chapter Please Subscribe)1020Destiny Is Clear1021Take a Day Off Today1022Battle of Bekafen1023A Little Note From the High King1024Meet the Emperor1025It’s Not Easy to Be the Emperor’s Daughter-in-Law1026Know How to Be a Wife and Hide It From Both Sides (Part 1)1027A Wife Who Knows How to Hide Things From Both Sides (Part 2) (Second)1028The Eastern Light of the Empire - Herzig1029The Matchup Between Us Is Perfect.1030Battle of Herzig1031The Tactic of Adding Fuel to the Fire Is Not Necessary1032Ryan's Love Letter1033I Have Something to Do at Home, Please Take a Day Off1034