Breath of the Dead
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Chapters List
of 2289
Treasures in Swamp City (Please Subscribe)2224Less Summons, Call Lucheng (Please Subscribe)2225Special Orange Outfit (More Updates Please Subscribe)2226Hunting Weirdness (More Updates Please Subscribe)2227I Don't Like It (Please Subscribe)2228Lucheng Hero's Arrangement (Please Subscribe)2229Preparation for a New Identity (Please Subscribe for More)2230Grasp the Identity (Please Subscribe for More)2231Get the Identity Done (Please Subscribe)2232Ticket Office (Please Subscribe)2233A Small Accident Before Departure (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2234Boarding the Train and Setting Off (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2235The Care of the Opening Scroll (Please Subscribe)2236First Arrival at the Demonic City (Please Subscribe)2237Hotel Safe House (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2238The Fate of the Demonic City (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2239Lingxi's Discovery on the Train (Please Subscribe)2240Sudden Teleportation (Please Subscribe)2241The Special Space Attached to the Demonic City (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2242Everyone You Don't Know Is an Enemy (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2243Once You Have Made up Your Mind, Go All Out (Please Subscribe)2244Clearing the Scene Successfully (Please Subscribe)2245Taking the Special Space (Please Subscribe for More Updates)2246The Corpse Buried Under the Space (Please Subscribe for More Updates)2247Returning to the Demonic City (Please Subscribe)2248The Broker (Please Subscribe)2249I Saved All Mankind (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2250A Good Place, Paradise (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2251The Secret of Paradise (Please Subscribe)2252The Contaminated Fox Claw Necklace (Please Subscribe)2253What Is Your Profession? Space Builder (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2254There Are Always Different Discoveries (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2255The Increasingly Tense Demon City (Please Subscribe)2256The Turmoil in the Demon City (Please Subscribe)2257Magic City, Chaos! (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2258The Train Leaving the City (More Updates, Please Subscribe)2259Gu Xi During Escort (Please Subscribe)2260Naturally Level Up to Level 17 (Please Subscribe)2261Level 17 Skill Selection (Please Subscribe)2262Return to the Eldest Son City (Please Subscribe)2263The Express Hotel Opposite the Bath Center (Please Subscribe)2264Return to the Tavern (Please Subscribe)2265The Picture in Fate (Please Subscribe)2266The Clue in the Nursery Rhyme (Please Subscribe)2267Finding Clues (Please Subscribe)2268Herbal Supplements (Please Subscribe)2269The Last News of the Demon City (Please Subscribe)2270The Last Puzzle Piece of the Underground Forest (Please Subscribe)2271Changes and Output of Space (Please Subscribe)2272Excavation of Special Corpses (Please Subscribe in the New Year)2273